Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday night blues (and a giveaway)

I'm exhausted. It's Sunday night, I just barely finished another custom project and I'm sitting here listening to my husband teach himself to play the guitar. What could be irritating is strangely soothing. Faced with another long week of two jobs, bored kids, and a kitchen I can't use because my landlord (aka my mom) decided it needed to be painted giving me oh, about an hours notice; I'm having a serious how the eff am I going to pull this off without my head exploding type moment. But that's ok. I prayed for success in my business and I'm receiving it, I just need to learn to rely on his grace more and myself less (on the subject of grace, for all of you who received my typo ridden newsletter last night, please grant me some! I promise I'll have the husband proofread the next one!).

If you haven't signed up for the newsletter/e-zine whatever I'm calling it these days and you're interested just follow this here link and we'll get you hooked up. It will be full of tips on how to mother perfectly and implement world piece while DIYing the most lovely dinner party. As well as coupon codes and new product lines. Did the sarcasm come through? Gosh, I hope so!


In other news I'm running a giveaway in honor of reaching 400 followers on Instagram that no one seems to be interested in participating in (who doesn't want free stuff?! What's going on here?). I basically just want you guys to share a picture and you can win you're own set of customized notepads. I use mine all the time. So. I'll post it here too. Share this post on Facebook, regram me on Instagram (@thehipstehousewife). Whatever! Just make sure you comment somewhere with the name you want on the notepad.

My prayer for this week is to find some balance, to rely less on my own strength and more on His. How do the rest of you working moms, wifes, regular humans, do it? I find myself getting so lost in my art (and the art of managing a small business) that the dishes pile up, my husband feels ignored, and I'm tired. Bone tired. Balance has never been easy for me, but it feels even more elusive now.


Advice needed and welcomed.