Well I just checked said Facebook and I have 298 likes. That's like two away from 300. That IS 2 away from 300. I'm writing in bold because I am SO EXCITED (bold and caps, watch out people, this girl is pumped)!!
Anyway, I've been pondering what I should be giving away, should it be something small, something large and awesome, a coffee date maybe? Who wouldn't want to hang out with me and talk about hipster housewife related exciting stuff?! No seriously though, I've been racking my brain over what it is I create that really captures the essence of who I am, my brand, whatever you want to call it (it's very weird to think of yourself as a brand, but that's all the advice people give you when you're trying to start something like this: you have to brand yourself and do it really awesomely so everyone likes you and wants to be your friend and therefore buy your stuff or care at all about what you have to say). Sorry, I deviate.
I thought maybe a *totally awesome* set of funny valentines or one of my new prints, but that didn't seem to quite fit with what I was going for (though like I said, the cards are pretty great, they're selling like hot cakes. You can get them here).
And then it hit me. Scripture canvas. Bam. That was the sound of it hitting me, in case you were wondering.
So, are you wondering what you have to do to get your paws on one of these bad boys yet? It's going to require I series of increasingly difficult tasks performed blindfolded and involving a corn maze in my back yard. You will all be set loose at midnight to compete for the prize, which will be awarded to the first person to finish the maze and correctly complete each task.
No, actually though, I just want you to like, comment with which design you would like best, and share. Repeat it with me people, like, comment, and share. You can comment here or on Facebook, share this on your blog, or on Facebook. But I don't think you can 'like' a blog post within a blog post, so that has to be on Facebook. Wow, I just said Facebook a lot of times. The winner will be picked at random and announced on Facebook one week from tomorrow. So that would be the 2nd of February.
Good luck, and thank you so so so much for liking what I'm doing here at The Hipster Housewife! You guys have no idea what an encouragement you have been to me through your kind words and support. Real talk friends, real talk.
I don't know why I just said real talk that sounded kind of silly. Love you guys!!