Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What does being a Christian feel like?

I was scrolling down my facebook feed and I came across a post from one of my very favorite pages, Christ Effect , that posed the question - what does it feel like to be a Christian? And to answer in the comments because someone is going to read it and really want to know.

What could I possibly say to convey even a teeny tiny piece of what being a Christian feels like? I mean, it's bigger than words, it's just so much more than thoughts or even feelings.

"It feels like you're always getting a hug. From your dad. And it makes you want to hug everyone else, even when they're mean to you or different from you or piss you off. Because your dads hugs are so awesome you want EVERYONE to get one.
That's the best metaphor I have. God = Abba = FATHER. He's my dad and he has got me. No matter what." - Me

Love is the whole point

My father is my hero, always has been, always will be. He has been by my side, unwavering (even when I was a horrible, conniving, awful person), from the day I was born. I am by definition a daddy's girl. It's hard wired into me. So God the Father is not a jump for me. I know some people who did not have good fathers and for them it's not just a jump, it's a leap. How can you really understand and experience the Benevolent Father without knowing what a benevolent father is? But anyway, that's completely the way I relate to The Lord, as my father. Knowing that my father in heaven is unchanging, steadfast, will always be there no matter what forever and ever and ever - it brings a security that surpasses all understanding. I've tried to stay away from posting any really theological type things on here because there are people far more qualified to speak to these things than I, but the question really jumped out at me.

What does being a Christian feel like? Not what does it look like or even what does it mean (on an intellectual level). No, we are talking about those gut level feelings. Feelings are what move people, whether it be to laughter or tears. They come from your heart. People can arouse emotion in us, but our feelings are our own. They belong to us, uniquely and completely. So asking what being a Christian feels like is a loaded question. It lays you bare. Christ is so central to who I am.
He loves you so much!!
Anyway, the point of writing this is that I really want to know - what does being a Christian feel like to you? Again, not what does it mean to you, but how does it feel? Leave it in the comments, send me an email, I don't care, but I do want to know. Imagine all of those feelings compiled (anonymously) for people to read. Imagine the change those feelings could work in the hearts of those who need to hear them. Imagine the impact they could have on a world that thinks Christianity is this dry, sterile, uptight religion. All of those beautiful, joyful, feelings just bursting with the love of The Lord. Let's show people what God's love feels like.

Please say you're with me.

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  1. Powerful. I feel like I have the power of God within me. I can face and deal with ANYthing the world throws at me. (Because it throws a lot of crap). But I do not have to be a bad ass and mean because Christianity is all about forgiveness. I can over come those horrible people who are out to hurt you. Just shut them down with forgiveness. I also have the strength of someone else who created the world around me, so, of course, He can change difficult things that are around me.

  2. I feel LOVE! Lots of love! Overflowing love! Love for my family and friends! Heart-wrenching love for those who do not know Jesus personally. A sad, broken heart for those looking for a solution to their problems and a way out of their pit of despair. Jesus has taken my feelings and given me ones I could never have on my own. He intensifies my feelings! I feel like, and know, that I have the solution to your problems! It's JESUS! He LOVES you! You are HIS child!
    1 John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us."

    1. You know what, you summed it up better than me! All you really need is that one word - LOVE!! Thanks Kristen xx

  3. Thank you so much for giving Christ Effect a shout out Christine. Your blog is amazing and such a blessing to read. I couldn't have asked for better ministry today.

    1. Thank you Paul! Christ Effect has been a huge blessing and inspiration to me, I'm glad I could return the favor :)

  4. I feel like I am never alone, I feel like I am listened to and that God is in control

    1. Yes, exactly! I love how everyone is writing something different, but they all ring true! Thank you xx

  5. I feel like I am being held, listened to, comforted, loved, cherished.
    Donna (CAST team)

    1. I thought long and hard when I first read the question, and being held (or hugged) was the main feeling that kept overwhelming me. God is so good! Thank you Donna xx

  6. I feel like God is overwhelmingly love. That his heart hurts for me and every one of his children when we turn away his love. I can't imagine not being a Christian anymore. I think it would be so lonely!

  7. It's how a baby feels being held and nursed by mom. Everything else fades away.

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